Parish Council and Supporters Update 6th August 2020


We trust everyone remains well and coping with the current challenges.

During the continuing limitations as to contact, office closures and meetings it remains important that we keep everyone up to date with developments. Whilst there are certain constraints on authorities progressing the matters with which we are concerned most can be (and are) being dealt with virtually albeit with more constrained opportunities for public participation. We are maintaining a careful watch and are grateful to our County and District Council representatives for help in keeping us informed. We hope that as limitations reduce the situation will improve but it is not clear as to when that might be.

Please do let us know if there is anything you become aware of which would be helpful. Our general e-mail address has developed an access fault so please feel free to contact me direct:

Astro Turf Site – Planning Application Reference FMW/072/19

Very many of you have submitted objections in response to the opportunity to respond to the Additional Information provided by MGL on 30th June 2020.

The number of responses have been unprecedentedly high and are vital in making CCC realise the level of concern and opposition. I appreciate that not all will be visible on the CCC website for some time but we are aware of detailed objections from both Parish Councils, and from the local flood authority (CCC itself). Our own detailed objections were supported by a specialist transport report which we commissioned and other appendices and we expect this to appear on the website shortly. CCC have a policy of not showing all objections in order to protect the identity of, particularly, individuals but many of you have forwarded copies to us and we are impressed with both the number, content - and determination in successfully navigating the CCC website! Apologies if the number of e-mails reached too many of you!

In response to the comprehensive concerns Circuit Solutions have raised the CCC Case Officer has asked to visit Circuit Solutions with a member of the Environmental Health team from HDC. This will take place on August 6th.

We anticipate that the next stage will be for the matter to be considered by CCC planning Committee at one of their forthcoming meetings which for the remainder of this year are scheduled for 3rdSeptember, 1st October, 5th November and 17th December 2020. As soon as we have any details regarding a date we will let you know. We also will ask the Chair of the Planning Committee to meet us at the site.

Regardless of anything else we and all our advisors believe that Section 73 does not permit a change of this nature and the application should be refused on that ground alone.


The Club House still appears to be occupied from time to time. This is in clear contravention of planning.

The fence between the old Golf Club Car Park and the access road has been moved in to create more space on the access road. We are advised that this would have no effect in mitigating the transport concerns and our consultants have raised this.

New Draft Waste and Minerals Local Plan

CCC responsibility for the preparation and progress of the new plan now rests with the newly formed CCC Environment and Sustainability Committee. 

The plan has now been submitted to HM Government; an Inspector (Mr Stephen Normington) has been appointed and the process of examination has started. A programme officer has been appointed – Dr Rebecca Casa-Hatton ( and has confirmed the examination will take place as planned:

15th September 2020: Date of first hearing. For subsequent hearing dates, please refer to the Provisional Programme on the examination website.

The Examination Process and detail can be followed at

We will attend the examination with our lawyers and have submitted a summary of the points we wish to raise to Dr Casa-Hatton of which the most important are;

  • We wish to see the ‘Astro Turf Site’ omitted from the list of current sites on the basis that it does not have an environmental permit or exemption and should not be included as existing Waste Management Areas on the Policies Map which forms part of the draft plan.
  • We do not believe that the plan should contemplate ‘local’ sites being permitted as an adjunct to local housing developments.

Hemingford Golf Club Site, Astro Turf Site Activity, Golf Shop and Driving Range

As referred to earlier we continue to draw attention to the use to which both the bungalow and (although materially reduced) the Car Park are being put and the Environment Agencies failure to have the Astro-Turf site cleared following their refusal to grant an Environmental Permit. 

There continues to be activity on both the Golf Club Car Park and Astro Turf site which we are monitoring.

Sub-committee to assist with the process of preparing a detailed proposal for the Hemingford Golf Club to be granted the status of a Community Asset et seq.

This matter remains outstanding

Can you help please?

We wish to strengthen our Board and would be pleased to hear from anyone who has experience in local planning and land development matters. We also would like to recruit a Treasurer to take over that position following my appointment as Chair. If you are interested please e-mail:


Stay Safe and Keep Well everyone


Iain Muspratt  – The Hemingfords Action Group

6 August 2020