Parish Council and Supporters Update 20th May 2020


We trust everyone is well and coping with the current challenges.

During the current limitations as to contact, office closures and meetings it is important that we keep everyone up to date with developments. Whilst there are certain constraints on authorities progressing the matters with which we are concerned most can be (and are) being dealt with virtually albeit with more constrained opportunities for public participation. We are maintaining a careful watch and are grateful to our County and District Council representatives for help in keeping us informed.

Please do let us know if there is anything you become aware of which would be helpful. Our general e-mail address has developed an access fault so please feel free to contact me direct:

Astro Turf Site – Planning Application Reference FMW/072/19

There has been no response from MGL to the request by CCC for the following further information consequent upon the very large number of objections (none in favour) they received including ours.

The applicant was asked on 17 February to submit the following information and/or amend the application in response to comments from consultees:

-         Transport statement;

-         Reduce height of stockpiles to 3 metres;

-         Extend 3 metre high fence;

-         Consider locating the soil screen in an excavated area to lower the discharge height in relation to the acoustic barrier fence;

-         Vibration mitigation measures; 

-         Air quality assessment; 

-         Surface water drainage information

Any response will be subject to the same scale of further consultation as applied to the original application and after that a decision will be taken at a meeting of  the CCC Planning Committee and the dates for these are 11 June, 30th July,  3rd September and 1st October.

Hemingford Golf Club Car Park

Following complaints from HAPC and ourselves the number of skips in the Car Park  has reduced to hardly any.

The Club House appears to be occupied from time to time.

This is in clear contravention of planning. 

New Draft Waste and Minerals Local Plan

CCC responsibility for the preparation of the new plan rested with the CCC Environment Committee. This has been succeeded as of yesterday by Environment and Sustainability Committee. 

Our County Councillor (Ian Bates) has been very attentive and supportive throughout but as Chair of the old Commiittee had to ensure that he maintained his impartiality – he will now be freed of that constraint as he will not be Chair of the new Committee. Councillor Bates will become Chairman of another new Committee – Highways and Transport (which for the first time will include Cambridge City as well as the rest of Cambridgeshire.

The plan has now been submitted to HM Government and an Inspector (Mr Stephen Normington) has been appointed and the process of examination has started. A programme officer has been appointed – Dr Rebecca Casa-Hatton ( and has advised three upcoming dates:

19th June 2020: Deadline to advise me that you wish to participate in the hearings.
10th July 2020: Deadline for the submission of pre-hearing statements (for both electronic and hard copies).
15th September 2020: Date of first hearing. For subsequent hearing dates, please refer to the Provisional Programme on the examination website.

The Examination Process and detail can be followed at

The final draft plan already incorporates a number of the changes we have requested but it is extremely important for us to continue to insist that the existing ‘Astro-Turf’ site is excluded from the list of current sites included in the plan. We have already indicated that we wish to participate in the hearings and will again confirm that after our Board Meeting on June 14th. Those of you who made representations in the final consultation which closed in January may also wish to participate in the hearings so please do so before June 19th

The public enquiry into the Waterbeach incinerator  Case Number 3225123 has long concluded. It was expected that the results would be known on March 15 but they continue to be delayed. As a result of the difficulties in accessing the Inspectorate website I telephoned them last week and they confirmed that no date for the decision is known. Should the Inspector decide in favour of the incinerator that will have an impact on the draft plan.

Hemingford Golf Club Site, Astro Turf Site Activity, Golf Shop and Driving Range

As referred to earlier we continue to draw attention to the use to which both the bungalow and (although materially reduced) the Car Park are being put and the Environment Agencies failure to have the Astro-Turf site cleared following their refusal to grant an Environmental Permit. 

Abbots Events have left the Premises which are therefore unoccupied. There is no sign of any activity.

Sub-committee to assist with the process of preparing a detailed proposal for the Hemingford Golf Club to be granted the status of a Community Asset et seq.

Following preliminary meetings (which we joined) Hemingford Abbots PC submitted the draft proposals to Findlay Flett at HDC for comments over two months ago. None have been received but John Blyde and I did have a further meeting with very senior officers who were somewhat non-committal.

We are contacting local Hunts FA personnel to present the plans to them.

Rideaway Bridge over the A1307 (formerly A14)

The closure has now ended. This is delayed long planned maintenance and is not related to the Hemingfords Golf Club and Range site. There are also works taking place along the A1307 and we are advised that this is to enable outstanding maintenance to be concluded before responsibility for the road is passed from Highways England to Cambridge County Council

Stay Safe and Keep Well everyone.


Iain Muspratt  – The Hemingfords Action Group

20thMay 2020